Would you prefer

I have a question?
Would you prefer a friend or a person trying to befriend you to be as honest about how they really are?
Would you prefer a friend blunt-straight to the point or one who beats around the bush and tell you what you want to hear
Would you prefer a friend to be loyal and honest or a yes girl
Would you prefer a real person versus an artificial human that does what is main stream
Would you prefer a friend to admit to financial in-capabilities or pretend to have the bank account to back you and her in times of need
Would you prefer a friend to listen in silence or comment when you speak to know they understand what you are saying
Would you prefer gully girl if need be or one who say I just got my nails done
Would you prefer the friend who spies on your man or the one that waits for your back to be turned to make what is yours-mines
Would you prefer understanding and compassion, or straight up why you telling me those your problems
Would you prefer the friend to clock you in and risk both to not have a job, or the friend that says wow you going be late again, you update your resume’
Would you prefer a friend of many years always done you wrong over the friend you met couple months ago-will pick up the phone even though haven’t known her long
Would you prefer the friend that will keep a child at moment’s notice cause life is hard and things go unseen, no call the friend that didn’t respond to your text, cuz her house too clean
Would you prefer the friend that only calls when things are right in her life, how about friend that just calls to say what’s going on tonight
I cannot speak for you, I am speaking for me. In all these situations, I know who to choose even though you won’t choose the person like me. Whether denial or afraid of what’s right-decide who should be in your life and who’s right!



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