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My dream… My GMa told me to get to work… so I have. Thank you GMa. I love and forever miss you. Today is your birthday and last Saturday you gave me this dream. I knew it was, so I wrote this for you and painted you as my Guardian Angel that you are.
My Angel 316
Demanding me in a dream
To take action and change my life
You reminded me of how blessed and gifted I am
With a lot of talents put them into my Brand
You are indeed my Guardian Angel
Giving me the motivation and inspiration I need
To ensure all dreams come true – I just have to believe
My Angel 316
You appeared to me for me
The abundance of materialistic and financial gains
Are blessings but shouldn’t be why I drive
You serve as a reminder of what hard work gives also the pains
And still I want to call you and I cant so I cry
You remind me to be thankful for all my blessings
Never lose focus on the important things that matter
My Angel 316
Today is your earthly birthday
Guidance and gut intuition
My soul’s purpose is to create, express
Communicate, have grand adventures, be optimistic, encourage others
Expand my Brand
Share my knowledge and intelligence
Grow in my truth, my faith, my adaptability in the future partnerships
Serve humanity using my gifts
Continue to have faith, trust in the harmony of life
Be the Joy and happiness
Allow my determination and progress to increase my growth and expansion
Thank you GMa! I miss you and love you
Happy Birthday 04.04.2020
#doubledigits #angel316 #316 #dream #soulfuleyez #guardianAngel #04042020 #0404 #Birthday©